Captive-Bred by ORA® Flameback Angelfish Dwarf Angel: Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums
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Flameback Angelfish Captive-Bred by ORA®
Centropyge acanthops
Picture of Flameback Angelfish Captive-Bred by ORA®
Quantity :

Common Name

Flameback Angelfish

Scientific Name Centropyge acanthops


Max Size 3 inches
Reef Safe With Caution
Min Tank Size 24 gallons
Diet Omnivore
Care Level beginner
Temperament Semi-Aggressive

Identification: The ORA Captive-Bred Flameback Dwarf Angelfish is one of the most popular and distinctive species of pygmy angelfish and it is now available captive bred from Oceans, Reefs, & Aquariums. Centropyge acanthops hails from most of the eastern shores of the African continent and into the Indian Ocean and is instantly recognizable as a blue fish with a yellow face and dorsal region with a clear tail.

There’s another very similar species from the Atlantic called the Brazilian flameback angelfish which is more orange than yellow in the face, and darker bodied overall with a deep blue tail. The African flameback angelfish stays quite small, even among the Centropyge pygmy angelfish reaching a maximum size of 2.5 inches, but usually stay around two inches or 5cm long, and are therefore comfortable in some small saltwater tanks and miniature reef aquariums.

Food and Diet: Dwarf Angelfish are omnivore's. In the wild it feeds primarily on algae, but it will also ingest tiny animals living in the algae. In captivity their diet will be mostly algae, but also offer some other proteins. Feeding them a variety of good foods is important. Offer various types of fresh and dried marine algae, spirulina enriched foods, mysis shrimp, shaved shrimp and other high-quality meaty foods, angelfish preparations, and flakes or pellets designed for algae eating fish. There are several good commercial foods available including Formula II and Angel Formula. Feed several times a day even if natural foods are present.

Recommended amount of drip acclimation time: 3+ hours

Approximate Purchase Size: Approximately 1 inch

Copyright 2020 Aquarium Creations Online
Photos are representative of each species. All marine life will be unique and variations should be expected, color and sizes may vary.