|Macroalgae Plants| Macro algae Plants| Aquacultured Macroalgae and Red Mangroves|
  Marine Macroalgae Plants For Sale
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Macroalgae filters nutrients from your tank, competing with nuisance algae and benefits the overall aquarium water quality. To avoid possible parasite contamination all plants are quarantined and housed in large vats that are not connected to any system containing saltwater fish. Used in the display aquarium, sump, or refugium, macroalgae feeds on all the nutrients in the saltwater. Just like fertilizer feeds your lawn, the ammonia, nitrite's, nitrate's, and phosphate's built up in your saltwater feed your Macroalgae, lowering all the bad nutrients that have built up in the saltwater. Lowering the nutrient levels in your aquarium means your marine life will be healthier and more colorful.

A second exciting benefit from macroalgae in your aquarium is the process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when the macroalgae takes in carbon dioxide and releases into the saltwater Oxygen. Providing the seawater with a natural pH buffer, along with releasing natural chemicals beneficial to the fishes skin, intestines, and gills. Finally macro algae provides the saltwater fish the cover they look for in nature, and increases their quality of life. A final note, all of our aquacultured macroalgae including our marine plants are quarantined and housed in large vats not connected to any fish system to avoid possible parasite or bacteria contamination. You can place our plants directly into your tank without worry.

21 Results

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 Aquacultured Red Dragon's Tongue Macro Algae Plant
Live Dragon's Tongue Macro Algae Plant

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Aquacultured Live Dragon's Tongue Macro Algae Plants look amazing under the lights when rooted in the aquarium substrate. The Dragon's Tongue Macro Algae Plants can be both a great display plant in the reef aquarium or just another macro algae for the refugium. Dragon's Tongue like other macro algae feed off of ammonia, nitrates, nitrates and phosphates in the aquarium water. In addition, they help remove heavy metals and neutralize toxins.
  Assorted Green Macroalgae Plants
Assorted Green Macroalgae Plants

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Marine hobbyists have found our Assorted Green Macroalgae Plants to be an excellent chemical filtration tool. Besides adding beauty to any aquarium, our Assorted Green Macroalgae Plants have become quite popular for use as algae-scrubbing filters removing excess ammonia, nitrates, and phosphates from the saltwater aquarium. In addition, they help remove heavy metals and neutralize toxins. Overall this is an excellent macrpalgae species for all levels of marine aquarium environments.
Red Mangrove Propagules
Rhizophora mangle
Red Mangrove Propagules

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Red Mangrove plants, species Rhizophora mangle, are correctly called Red Mangrove Propagules. When compared to Red Mangrove Plants, the Red mangrove propagules are easier to have success with and have better growth rate in the aquarium. By growing the Red Mangrove Propagules into Mangrove Plants it helps maintain pristine aquarium water quality. It provides the perfect marine habitat for mandarins, seahorses, for all of your fish, shrimp, amphipods, copepods, snails, crabs, shrimp and more.
 Maidens Hair Plant
Maidens Hair Plant

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Maidens Hair is also called Turtle Grass. It is a green filamentous marine plant whose appearance is similar to thin tufts of hair. There lies the name Maidens hair. Your tangs and other fish will leave this plant alone because they don't find it palatable. These plants are a wonderful breeding ground for beneficial crustaceans like amphipods and copepods.
 Mermaids Fan Plant
Mermaids Fan Plant

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The Mermaid's Fan plant, also called Udotea Flabellum, is a green calcareous macroalgae plant. It is used as a decorative plant in the marine reef aquarium and also in refugiums. Mermaid plants grow out of the substrate and form beautiful Fan Shaped leaves. Most herbivorous fish and invertebrates do not find the Mermaid plant palatable.
Mixed Color Gracillaria Macroalgae
Mixed Color Gracillaria
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Mixed Gracillaria, also called Gracillaria parvispora, is more than just a pretty macroalgae. The ease with which it's kept and capacity for high nutrient uptake make it an excellent macroalgae.

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PLEASE NOTE: We go to great lengths to treat, quarantine and remove any unwanted parasites, hitchhikers, and other organisms from our Macro Algae. However, we do not guarantee that this item is completely and totally free of anything unwanted. This is because sometimes spores, eggs, etc can remain viable but not visible, despite our strict quarantine procedure. As a result, we always recommend that you properly quarantine anything new that you are adding to your tank. Photos are representative of each species. Copyright ©2019 All rights reserved.